Lecture "Solid State Theory II" (515.474)

Band Structure Methods
SS 2014

This is a short text that should help you to prepare the final report/presentation for your project.

>> Possible Formats:

- Powerpoint presentation. (15 min)
- Written Report. (2-3 pages)
Questions at the exam will be on the content of the report/presentation and on technical aspects of the input files used for the project.

>> Presentations and reports should include the following sections:

What is the problem? Why is it relevant? Literature: who has done this calculation before, and what were the results? Are there also experiments you can compare your calculations with?

Technical Details:
Which code have you used to produce your results (name and reference)? What parameters did you use to produce your results (k-points, cut-off energy, pseudopot. etc)? You should also explain WHY you have chosen these parameters, i.e. discuss the convergence.

What are your main results? Present them in 2/3 figs, making sure that the figure has the right labels (unit etc), and a short caption. If possible, compare your results with literature.

Conclusions and Outlook:
What are the main conclusions of your work? (Brief Summary) Are there any questions which you were not able to answer and remain open? Would you like/could you extend your work in any direction?

Indicative Length:
Introduction + Technical Details: 1/4
Results: 1/2
Conclusions/Outlook: 1/4